000 test subject

first entry

he has no idea




something's up




he aknowledges something now





info overload

and nobody cares
who would anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

just why, heard that from somewhere, where from? don't know. Brain must've forgotten from the inforrrrrrrrrrmation/////tion/onnn. Is it an overloadload.? what is overload? is it too much??

the urge to curiosity kills

acts of error were taken unseriously recently. We will try our best to eliminate them

listed test subjects

  1. 000
  2. Zen0
  3. 333fail
  4. [sound brek letter] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA mr. M go krazy [hehe]

unlisted ongoing projects

  • heard that kats like yarn just like Zen0!!1!
  • yayy living thing wit wh/////////////////////